Hand-crafted sourced from the best ingredients.

Logan known to all as “Bubba Crocker”

LNC Sweets is a thriving small business founded by 11-year-old Logan N. Cooper, aka “Bubba Crocker”.
Logan is a 3 rd generation baker continuing the legacy of his late grandfather, Raul Martinez, Jr. and his
great-grandfather, Raul Martinez, Sr.
Logan known to all as “Bubba Crocker” began showing his passion for baking at the age of 8. At 9 years
old, he started his business, LNC Sweets and has been non-stop since.
His tasty cakes and pastries have surprised so many people. He prides himself on using quality
ingredients, fresh fruits and pours love into everything he makes.
Logan’s hopes and dreams are to attend culinary school, travel the world to learn other countries
pastries and open his own bakery. A cake from Bubba Crocker will bring a smile to anyone’s face.
Hard work, determination and faith is what has made LNC Sweets a success. As Bubba always says,
“Anything is possible through Christ Our Lord”